Wavell SHS is part of the Mount ISA Hub - Along with Spinifex State College (Mt Isa), Anglican Church Grammar School (Brisbane), Bundamba SSC (Ipswich) and Cloncurry SS.
What is the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA)?
The QMEA is a partnership between:
the Queensland Resources Council (QRC)
training and academic providers
the Queensland Government.
It is designed to encourage students to enter careers in the minerals and energy sector.
The QMEA provides students with clear pathways into one of the State’s most innovative and economically important sectors.
The academy has been developed in response to skills shortages in the minerals and energy sector, which is currently experiencing significant growth, particularly in the face of increasing demand for resources from countries such as China.
The academy is led by an executive committee comprising Directors-General from State Government departments and chief executives from the resources sector. The academy is managed by an Education Queensland head of department located in the QRC offices.
The project involves three hubs, each with ‘gateway’ high schools to develop and promote curricula structures and enable students to access a broad range of minerals and energy-related learning and career opportunities.
The partnership with minerals and energy companies provides students with work experience, on-site activities and opportunities to take up traineeships/apprenticeships.
In addition to the significant resources committed to the academy by Education Queensland and the QRC, individual QRC member companies are providing substantial sponsorship support.
Key academy activities
School-based apprenticeship and traineeship positions for academy school students.
Work experience for students from the academy schools with minerals and energy companies.
Site visits.
Professional development activities for teaching staff at academy schools.
Development of curricula resources to support minerals and energy industries-related programs in the academy schools.
Work with the Queensland Studies Authority to promote awareness of minerals and energy industries and career paths.
Embed minerals and energy industries-related curricula into the existing programs of academy schools.
Seek support from training and academic partners to develop new opportunities for school students entering minerals and energy industries-related training and degree programs School visits/subject presentations by Queensland Resources Council Education Officers and industry personnel.
Industry-sponsored academic prizes and awards for students and teachers in academy schools.
Review of current Education Queensland Work Experience Public Liability Insurance Policy to improve access for students to mines and refineries.
Review of current industry policies and issues affecting student access to sites.

For further information contact:
Head of Department
Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy
c/- Queensland Resources Council
Level 13, 133 Mary Street, Brisbane Q 4000
Phone: 07 3295 9560
Facsimilie: 07 3295 9570
Email: info@qmea.org.au
Website: www.qmea.org.au