
School Council


From 1994-1997 the school was part of a state-wide trial for a School Advisory Council, and in 1997-1998, converted this to an "Interim School Council". In April 1998, the Director General of Education Approved a School Council in the school. This year there are fourteen members, including the Principal, the P&C Association President, five staff, five parents and two students.

The function of the Council is to:

  • Monitor the strategic direction of the school
  • Approve plans and school policies of a strategic nature and other such documents
  • Monitor the implementation of plans, policies and documents of a strategic nature
  • Advise te Principal about strategic matters.

The Council providd a three year strategic direction through the "Partnership Agreement 2001-2003." It has monitored each of the Annual Operation Plans so that it conformed with this "Partnership Agreement". The Principal has a responsibility to advise the Council of the implementation of the Plan and obtain approval for any plans or policies of a strategic nature. The Council also analyses each Annual Report and gives strategic advice to the Principal in regard to the next Annual Operation Plan.

In 2003, the Council approved a Partnership Agreement for 2004-2006. This has placed a special emphasis on the changes to be developed through the consultation with the Council, parents and teachers. I has also been developing a document "Wavell State High School Council Strategic Direction - 2005 & Onwards." In 2005 the Council commissioned two surveys, one for Year 8 parents and another for Year 12 students. These surveys were developed to gain greater insight into Wavell parents and students.

Last reviewed 18 May 2020
Last updated 18 May 2020