
Drama Program of Excellence


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Our Drama Program of Excellence provides students with a unique opportunity to develop their creative and expressive abilities in a supportive and inspiring environment. Through this program, students can learn from experienced and passionate teachers, and have access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.

By participating in a Drama Program of Excellence, students can develop a range of skills that are highly valued in both the performing arts industry and in other professional settings. These skills include effectiv​​​e communication, teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking, and adaptability. In addition, the program can help students build their confidence and self-awareness, and develop a strong sense of personal identity and expression.

Our Program includes a wide range of learning opportunities, such as workshops, masterclasses, and performances, which can allow students to explore different theatrical genres and styles, and gain exposure to industry professionals. Students will have the opportunity to participate in festivals and competitions, which can help them develop their skills and gain recognition for their achievements. The Program provides students with a highly engaging and rewarding educational experience, and help them achieve their own standard of personal excellence in Drama.

Program Benefits & Opportunities

  • Timetabled classes from Years 7-12, with pathways to General and Applied curriculum studies in Senior years.
  • Our program has a strong tradition of working with industry professionals, providing students with valuable insights and knowledge about the theatre industry.
  • Regular opportunities for live theatre performances, both within the school and in the wider community.
  • Our students have the opportunity to participate in state-wide competitions, gaining valuable experience and exposure to a wider audience.
  • An artist-in-residence works with our students annually to devise and present a show, providing students with a unique opportunity to work with a professional artist.
  • Workshops in a range of styles are offered, including scriptwriting, directing, and technical theatre, giving students a well-rounded education in theatre.
  • Audition workshops and tertiary entrance preparation, helping students prepare for further education or a career in the performing arts.

Criteria to be considered for Enrolment at Wavell State High School:

Behaviour, effort and attendance standards of excellent and/or very good is expected.

Criteria to be considered for the Drama Program of Excellence:

Applicants for our programs must demonstrate strength in their previous academic studies and a strong capacity for involvement in school activities. Auditions for Year 7 2024 will be held in June 2023 at Wavell State High School.

Wavell will utilise the following information to determine eligibility for the Program:

  • Performance at Drama Audition.
  • Students most recent Report Card.
  • Resumé of activities and achievements over the past two years.
  • Answers to Learning Reflection questions on the Programs of Excellence application form. ​

Last reviewed 04 March 2025
Last updated 04 March 2025